
Preparing our best foot...

This week, we are polishing up our visuals to put together the first official Teaser Trailer for Sun Stones.  This trailer is important not only because it will be an important visual introduction of Sun Stones, but because the Teaser Trailer is the cornerstone of a Kickstarter project - and we're hoping to get some of our startup costs repaid through a successful Kickstarter campaign.

For those who don't know, Kickstarter is a method for crowd-sourcing startup-cost funds.  You pick a target dollar amount, and ask people to donate.  The cool twist is that, until donations reach that target dollar amount, no money is actually transferred.  This means that people can "play" kickstarted by guessing which projects deserve funding, and which do not.  If you guess wrong - you lose nothing.  If you guess right you donate to a project which lots of other people picked - so you spent money on a validated project!  It's a very clever package, and it has been quite successful for some people.

The next question, of course, is how can we best position ourselves to be one of those success stories?  We have one advantage in that we are largely complete already, so we have a fairly polished product to show.  We also don't need money to make the game - we're just looking to earn back our start-up investment funds.

So the questions we're asking ourselves, while putting together this Teaser Trailer, are things like "How much do we explain our mechanics, and how much do we just wow them with visuals?"  "Do we explain the Hopi influences in the game?"  "Do we mention every platform we're on explicitly?".

Next week, we'll be providing the link to our Kickstarter Campaign.  Check the site out, make an account, and  see how high the bar is for other projects.

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