
Who's Smarter Than Us?

Sun Stones has a rather nice Trophy system - which serves as both a learning tool and a reward system. Most of the Trophies have clear conditions which must be met - earn every star on The Hunt, for example. Or transform the maximum number of stones at once.

But there is one very special exception to this system - a trophy we call "Smarter Than Us" This trophy is given if a player completes a puzzle faster than we listed as a "perfect" score. The only way to get this trophy is to do something which we, as the developers, didn't figure out on our own.

When you earn this trophy, the trophy text comes up telling you to write to us and let us know about your achievement. Once we verify your accomplishment, we do a few things:

1 - We adjust the puzzle in the next update, so that nobody else can earn the trophy for the same thing.

2 - We add your name to the patch notes, immortalizing your genius for all time.

3 - We add a thread on our forums with your name, to draw public accolades to your talent.

Sun Stones has only been out a week, but we've already had 2 clever players earn this trophy and contact us. You can head over to the forums or check out our patch notes.

Sun Stones is a very challenging game, and we know that there are multiple correct solutions to many puzzles. How many more puzzles have an optimal solution which we did not discover for ourselves? As the number of players grows, we can only assume that our players will turn out to be Smarter Than Us!

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